Spring 2023

In October Andy and Josie excavated a portion of midden/terrace site W16/445 in Waimana under HNZPT authority no. 2023/600. Topsoil stripping revealed several intercutting pits, as well as several fire scoops, post holes and two large pits (images from the excavation below). Excavation of the larger pits revealed linear post hole arrangements along the long edge and showed evidence of internal refurbishment and re-use. The smaller pits had central post holes but showed the same evidence of refurbishment as the larger pits. Reporting is in preparation.

Later that same week, Josie did further archaeological survey of Rotoehu Forest with Timberlands, inspecting two pā (V15/118 & V15/1238), which have sadly been previously modified by bulldozing, but the remaining features are in fair condition and will require pine tree removal under an archaeological authority.

Over in Tauranga, Josie has been monitoring works at Mauao Historic Reserve, starting with gravel removal from some of the terraces close to the four-wheel drive track. This material has accumulated on the terraces due to slope wash and has been ‘creating’ new features.  The next week, she was back at Mauao to monitor installation of facilities which are part of a major upgrade of the interpretation of the maunga, starting with excavations for a new seating area, on the northern side of Mauao at Awaiti. No archaeological features were found, as the area had been previously disturbed by the original alignment of the base walking track.  Josie also monitored the installation of a small rock wall for interpretation purposes at Waipatukakahu on the southern side of Mauao, which revealed only a small amount of re-deposited shell again disturbed by the original formation of the base walking track.

The entire InSitu team travelled to Hawkes Bay, Wairoa, and Gisborne Districts to inspect possible affects to archaeological sites within roading corridors along the state highways, as part of the work associated with the Transport Rebuild East Coast project. Along the way, we met with archaeologists from those regions to discuss the preparation of an archaeological research strategy for the transport rebuild project.  


Summer 2024


Winter 2023