
Mauao historic reserve (Tauranga) is owned by local iwi Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Ngāti Pūkenga in the form of the Mauao Trust. The reserve is managed jointly by the Mauao Trust and Tauranga City Council under the direction of the Ngā Poutiriao ō Mauao (Mauao Joint Administration Board).

Mauao is an extensive cultural heritage landscape that covers approximately 40 hectares. There are three known pā complexes within the reserve represented by approximately 800-1,000 visible surface archaeological features including pits, terraces, platforms, house floors, shell middens and shell mounds.

Lynda has been providing archaeological conservation and heritage management advice for Mauao for over twenty years. InSitu Heritage runs an annual archaeological site condition monitoring programme, provides on-going advice for day to day reserve management and a comprehensive five year archaeological research programme is also underway within the reserve.