Forest Industry
Iwi Māori
Subdivision and Property Development
Crown Agencies and Conservation Groups
Local & Regional Authorities
Forest Industry
With Lynda’s background in the forest service, the team at InSitu has accrued extensive experience supporting numerous forestry operations from large production forests to woodlots. A working knowledge of forestry processes ensures that we deliver accurate, practical advice across all aspects of the industry. At InSitu, we use a mix of ground survey and LiDAR-based remote sensing to accurately identify sites and inform our advice. Here’s how we can help with your forestry project.
Pre-establishment survey to identify and record the position of archaeological sites
Supply of accurate spatial data to GIS platforms to inform planting teams and indicative harvest planning
Advice about planting boundaries and offsets
Pre-harvest archaeological survey to record the location and extent of recorded and unrecorded sites in forestry blocks
Development of practical and effective strategies for removing trees from archaeological sites
Preparation of a report to support an authority application (consent) with Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (if required)
Support through the Heritage New Zealand authority process
Classroom and field-based staff training in the recognition and management of archaeological sites.

Iwi Māori
The InSitu whānau are committed to empowering and capacity building within iwi and hapū to ensure active engagement and leadership by iwi Māori in the management of archaeological heritage. We have a strong interest in developing partnerships that promote knowledge and care of the past.
We have experience in collaborative archaeological research, in preparation of interpretive maps, and interpretive heritage projects. If you are looking for archaeological specialist support for your project, here’s what we can offer.
· Archaeological and historical research
· GPS survey and mapping of archaeological sites
· Preparation of maps and plans for publication
· Development of archaeological research plans
· Cultural mapping and GIS support.
Subdivision and Property Development
InSitu Heritage offers simple, practical advice and a range of services to ensure successful project outcomes. We have experience in a range of projects from private residential subdivision to large-scale commercial developments, such as kiwi fruit contouring. Here’s how we can help with your land development project.
Plain and simple advice from the outset of your project
Archaeological survey to identify and record the position of archaeological sites to inform scheme plans
Preparation of archaeological assessments to support local government consents or applications for an archaeological authority with Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
Archaeological mitigation – monitoring works or pre-construction investigation
High-quality UAV and GPS survey of archaeological sites
Reporting to Heritage New Zealand.
InSitu Heritage has experience supporting large-scale new infrastructure builds and maintenance projects. We provide, clear, accurate and timely advice to ensure the best outcomes for heritage and infrastructure projects. Here’s how we can help with your project.
High-level archaeological assessments to inform early project planning
Archaeological survey to identify and record the position of archaeological sites to inform design plans
Preparation of archaeological assessments to support local government consents or applications for an archaeological authority with Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
Archaeological mitigation – monitoring works or pre-construction investigation
High-quality UAV and GPS survey of archaeological sites
Reporting to Heritage New Zealand.
Crown Agencies and Conservation Groups
InSitu Heritage supports Crown agencies and conservation groups with planning and delivery of projects, tailored to work seamlessly alongside other aspects of caring for the whenua. Providing clear, accurate advice and training to aid cross-disciplinary decision making and ensure the best outcomes for heritage, and conservation projects.
Local and Regional Authorities
InSitu Heritage supports local and regional councils with training and the planning and delivery of projects. Providing clear and accurate advice to aid planning decisions and ensure the best outcomes for heritage and council projects. Here’s how we can help with your project.
Training in the interpretation of online or GIS-based NZAA data
High-level archaeological assessments to inform early project planning
Archaeological survey to identify and record the position of archaeological sites to inform scheme plans
Preparation of archaeological assessments to support local government consents or applications for an archaeological authority with Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
Archaeological mitigation – monitoring works or pre-construction investigation
High-quality UAV and GPS survey of archaeological sites
Reporting to Heritage New Zealand.