Archaeological Assessment

Before undertaking any work, we will provide you with a comprehensive fee proposal. Next, we will determine if an archaeological field inspection is required and schedule the timing of this with you.

We undertake desk-based research, including a review of archaeological site information from ArchSite (The NZAA online database of recorded archaeological sites in New Zealand), a review of historic aerial photographs, historic survey plans available LiDAR data and modern aerial photography.

The assessment will outline the findings of the archaeological research and field inspection (if required) as well as guiding you through the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga consenting process. Advising you of your options and the statutory requirements of the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014, so that you can make an informed decision.

If our assessment determines that a project is unlikely to affect historic heritage values, the advice may be presented in an abridged format, equally informed by a comprehensive review of available data.

Archaeological assessments are our daily mahi. We deliver tailored advice to suit the scale and scope of your project.